
Posts Tagged ‘Fox McCloud’

An Ask Ally Quickie

In Funny, Life, Uncategorized on November 7, 2007 at 6:59 pm

Just a quick update since I am waiting for my dinner to cook and, while doing so, actively pursuing NOT writing my paper for a while.

In short: I’ve just got time for a quickie. You know, feverish gropings in a broom closet that don’t ever actually accomplish anything for me but somehow seem to have satisfied you? One of those.

Rory, from I’ve-neglected-to-inform-Ally-of-my-location asks,

Hey Ally,

Can you do a barrel roll?


Barrel roll master and tutor extraordinaire!

*   *   *   *   *

Dear Rory,

As a matter of fact, I can. And not just in Star Fox either. Oh no. In fact, as my brother should be able to tell you, I was never able to do a barrel roll in Star Fox. I was, and am, crap at vidja-ma-games. I’m not entirely sure I ever played Star Fox, but I DO know that I watched my brother (s) play a bunch, and through extensive analysis of Fox McCloud’s “mad skillz” and the physics/physicality involved in achieving ‘barrel roll,’ I was able to teach my body how to contort in mimicry of said move.

In conclusion: I am F***ing pro… ‘cept not in Star Fox.

